Associated terms/theories from Holland:
"Space of authoring"-- the act by an individual of "answering" the world faced/encountered
Concerned with association between people, social interactions, subject positions and cultural studies; "Dialogic"
Associated terms/theories from Holland:
"Zone of Proximal Development"-- relates to imaginary play as developing social competency in "Imagined worlds"
Cultural-Historical or Socio-Historical Psychology school-- concerned with symbols learned through social interaction and literature; "Developmental"
Identity & Sociolinguistics:
Example of deferential speech hedges in current shampoo commercial, believe it or not...
Overall Reflection:
While Identity and Agency in Cultural Worlds cannot be called an easy read, I find it engrossing and thought-provoking in many ways. Holland's sociolinguistic/anthropologist's type of take on identity and agency is helpful-- her illustration of concepts through her case studies helped me to better grasp them. Holland's exploration of figured worlds such as the world of romance in US colleges and broader American culture and the figured world of Alcoholics Anonymous illustrate how culturally-constructed a lot of the "worlds" we associate ourselves with are. Her discussions of "rules" and "labels" (Identities of Discourse?) in the world of romance, her anecdotes about the young girls growing up in Nepal-- where gender roles are traditionally very inflexible--, and all of the material about sociolinguistics were of a particular interest to me.
Above, I did a quick Google search to find out more about Bakhtin and Vygotsky and annotated a few paragraphs about sociolinguistics which I found interesting. The video is a commercial I connected a little to the idea of women or other people of perceived lower social status or rank using deferential speech "hedges" and "disclaimers" in everyday conversations.
Thanks for the background search on Bakhtin and Vygotsky which are important for any English major and future teacher. In class I was to explore how important the idea of dialogism is and the zone of proximal development. On moodle I have his activity theory diagram which is pretty complicated but also very interesting when it comes to identities being social and historical rather than inside us and individual. More when I see you.